Whether you’re looking to improve your shower for resale value or just want to make it a more enjoyable space for yourself, there are a few key ways to do so.

If you're not quite sure how to improve your shower, don't worry. We've got you covered.

This guide will cover the following:

  • Invest in a Shower Head Upgrade
  • Improve Your Shower’s Water Pressure
  • Add a Concealed Shower Valve
  • Make Sure Your Shower Is Properly Sealed
  • Keep Your Shower Clean
  • Add Some Shower Storage
  • Add Some Shower Plants


Invest in a Shower Head Upgrade

If you're looking for ways to improve your home shower, one of the easiest things you can do is upgrade your shower head. This simple change can make a big difference in both the look and feel of your shower, as well as how much water you use. This can be a simple DIY project that makes a big difference in shower quality. There are many different shower heads on the market, so find one that fits your needs and budget.

When shopping for a new shower head, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, decide what type of shower head you want. There are many different styles on the market, from traditional hand-held heads to more modern rain shower heads.

Once you've decided on the style that best suits your needs, take into account the water pressure in your home. Some shower heads require high water pressure to function properly, while others work just fine with lower pressure.

Once you've found the perfect shower head, installation is easy. Most shower heads simply screw onto the existing pipe, so no professional installation is required. Just make sure to follow the instructions that come with your new shower head, and you'll be enjoying a better shower in no time!


Improve Your Shower’s Water Pressure

If you're having trouble with low water pressure in your shower, there are a few things you can do to try and improve it.

First, check the main water supply valve to your home. If this is turned down too low, it can decrease water pressure throughout your home.

Next, check your shower head for any clogs or build-up that might be restricting water flow. You can clean your shower head by soaking it in vinegar overnight, then scrubbing it with a toothbrush in the morning.

Finally, if your home has old pipes, they may be the culprit behind your low water pressure problem. Consider having a plumber come out to inspect and potentially replace your home's piping. There are also home water filtration systems that can help improve the quality of your water, which can lead to better showers overall.


Add a Concealed Shower Valve

There are many things to love about concealed shower valves. Perhaps the most obvious benefit is that they offer a sleek and seamless look in your shower. But there are several other advantages to using a concealed shower valve, including improved home value and increased safety.

Concealed shower valves can help increase the value of your home. Because they provide a more polished look, potential homebuyers may be willing to pay more for a home with a concealed shower valve. In addition, if you ever decide to sell your home, having a concealed shower valve may give you an edge over homes with exposed shower valves.

Concealed shower valves also offer increased safety benefits. With an exposed shower valve, there is always the risk of someone bumping into it and causing serious injury. By hiding the shower valve away, you can help prevent these types of accidents from happening.

If you're thinking of upgrading your shower, a concealed shower valve is definitely worth considering.

If you’re looking for advice on how to fit a concealed shower valve, click here to see our step-by-step guide.


Make Sure Your Shower Is Properly Sealed

A shower that leaks water is not only wasting water, but also letting in dampness which can ruin the look and feel of your shower. Check the seals around your shower doors and walls, and replace any that are damaged.

A lot of heat and moisture can escape through an unsealed shower, which can lead to problems like mould and mildew. But don't worry, sealing your shower is easy! Here's step by step instructions on what you need to do:

1. Start by cleaning the area around the shower. You'll need a clean surface to work with, so be sure to remove any soap scum or mildew that might be present.

2. Next, apply a sealant tape or caulk around the perimeter of the shower. Make sure you get a good seal, paying special attention to any gaps or cracks.

3. Finally, test the seal by turning on the shower and letting it run for a few minutes. If everything looks good, you're all set! Your shower is now sealed and ready to use.


Keep Your Shower Clean

We know that no one likes cleaning a shower, sometimes it can be easier to ignore. Cleaning a shower regularly helps prevent build up of mould and mildew, which thrives in a damp area, like your bathroom. Mould and mildew can eventually lead to allergies and illness, so consider cleaning your shower at least once a month.

  • Use a mild cleaner or soap to scrub the inside of the shower, paying special attention to any mould or mildew
  • Rinse the cleaner off with hot water, then turn on the cold water for a minute to rinse away any residue
  • Dry the shower with a clean towel to prevent any mould or mildew from growing

Cleaning a shower also includes both the tile and grout, as well as the fixtures. A dirty shower can be unsightly and uninviting, so make sure you’re cleaning to the best of your ability.

If you’re looking for advice on how to clean and prevent mould and mildew in your bathroom, click here for our professional guide.


Add Some Shower Storage

One way to add shower storage is by installing shelves. Shelves can be added to the inside of your shower, or they can be installed outside of your shower on the wall. Both options have their own benefits.

Installing shelves inside your shower means that your shampoo, conditioner, soap, and other items will be within easy reach. However, installing shelves outside of your shower on the wall means that you won't have to worry about water damage to your belongings.

Another way to add shower storage is by installing a tension rod. Tension rods can be installed either inside or outside of your shower. Tension rods are great for hanging towels, washcloths, and other items. They're also great for hanging wet clothes to dry.

No matter which option you choose, adding shower storage is a great way to make your home more organised and functional. If you're not sure which option is best for you, consult with a home improvement expert. They can help you decide which type of shower storage would work best in your home.


Add Some Shower Plants

Shower plants not only look nice, but they can also help purify the air in your shower. Choose plants that can tolerate high humidity levels, and make sure to place them in a spot where they will get plenty of light. There are a variety of different plants that can thrive in humid environments like showers.

Some good options include ferns, eucalyptus plants, peace lilies, and snake plants. Hanging the plants up will help to keep them out of the way of water and make them easier to care for. You can use hooks or shelves to hang the plants up in your shower.

As with any plant, it's important to keep an eye on your shower plants and make sure they're not getting too much or too little water. If you notice the leaves starting to turn yellow or brown, that's a sign that the plant isn't getting enough water. On the other hand, if the leaves are wilting or drooping, that's a sign that the plant is getting too much water.

By following these tips, you can easily improve your home shower and transform it into exactly the type of shower you want.


Free Advice

If you’re considering improving your shower, try visiting our other blogs and step-by-step guides for any extra information and longer, more specific help on some of these topics.

For any free advice regarding pumps, showers and plumbing, ring our dedicated experts on 0800 112 3134 or 0333 577 3134.
We’re open Monday to Friday 07:00 - 17:30 and Saturday 08:30 - 12:30.